
Nicole Okamoto, ME Department Chair

祝贺你 机械工程 Grads!

Saeid BashashSaeid Bashash

Despite all the challenges on your path in the past few semesters, you rose to the occasion, sailed through the whirling waves, and reached your destination. 祝贺你 to all of you for this significant accomplishment. 生活中没有什么能阻止你 from reaching your future goals if you stand strong for them as you just have d一个 今年.


祝贺你! We are super-proud of you and your accomplishment of graduating from 我们的节目! We have sought to give the best education and experience that we can, and we look forward to your future accomplishments. 请与我们保持联系! We love hearing how you are doing after 菠菜网lol正规平台 or wherever your next steps take you. May God bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you!

摄影:Hasan Albari莎拉·格里尔

In future times of trial and indecision, remember this achievement you have made. You have persevered, sacrificed, and succeeded against adversity. 你可以再来一次. Warmest congratulations to the graduating class of 菠菜网lol正规平台!


祝贺你! I've seen your creativity, professionalism, and leadership while 我在教你. You are more than ready to contribute to our community. 我希望 you all the best in your next step. 去斯巴达人!

大学生Kazemifar教授. Kazemifar

祝贺你 on your great achievement! Best of luck in your next chapter as a 机械工程师. I hope you always do well and do good.


It's a testament to your perseverance and focus through this unusual year, reaching this milest一个 of degree completion along your road to success and lifelong learning. Wishing you all the best in the brighter years ahead!


祝贺你 to the graduating ME senior class. I had the pleasure of working with many of you on your Senior Design Projects and together we applied the engineering principles which you have learned while at 菠菜网lol正规平台. Now that you have graduated, make the most of every opportunity and keep accomplishing your best work. 谢谢 !



You have worked really hard to get this far. You have proven that you can accomplish 任何你想做的事. So, set your goals high and just go for it!

Remember to come back and visit us, so that you too can share your stories and inspire the next 菠菜网lol正规平台 机械工程 generation.




雷蒙德绮K教授. 绮

祝贺你 to your graduation. I am delighted to see you have accomplished so 在上海州立大学的短短几年里. I am proud of all ME seniors who worked hard and devoted the whole academic year to complete their senior projects with quality and complexity in early May despite restrictions due to COVID-19 outbreak. 这也是美妙的 see our MSME graduates who have completed 一个 of the most rigorous graduate engineering 校园活动. As you completed 一个 chapter in your life and are ready to move onto the next chapter, 我希望 you the very best in your next endeavors. 记住, ME Department is always your home and we welcome you to come back and visit us soon 在不久的将来. 最好的问候,