Careers 在工业 工程

An industrial and systems engineer may be employed in almost any type of organization and for any type of activity identified above in the Program Description. 请注意, the graduates may be expected to perform technical work as well as management duties. At the technical level, they are expected to have in-depth knowledge as well as hands-on know-how; at the management level, they are expected to measure the 组织' current performance, identify opportunities for improvement, develop improvement plans, implement the plans and assess the effectiveness of the plans.

Your Career as an Industrial Engineer

Advice to the Aspiring Engineer

Trying to determine which educational route will pave the way to the most satisfying 未来? If you're a young women or man who wants a lively and interesting professional career with outstanding growth opportunities, you should consider industrial engineering. Becoming 一个即 places you into an exciting field of engineering which focuses on productivity improvement worldwide. It's a field which deals as much with human aspects of work as with today's sophisticated tools of work.

为什么 is the IE Different?

What sets industrial engineering apart from other engineering disciplines is its broader 范围. 一个即 deals with people with people as well as things. 一个即 relates to the total picture of productivity improvement. (And productivity in simplest terms means getting the most out for the least put in.) 一个即 may be employed in almost any type of industry, business or institution, from retail establishments to manufacturing plants to government offices to hospitals.

一个即 looks at the "big picture" of what makes society perform best - the right combination of human resources, natural resources and man-made structures and equipment. 一个即 bridges the gap between management and operations, dealing with and motivating people as well as determining what tools should be used and how they should be used.

High Demand for IE's

The demand for IE's has grown dramatically over the past two decades for 一个 chief reason: the need for 组织 to raise their levels of productivity through thoughtful, systematic applications.

The profit-making organization must have high productivity in order to compete in the domestic and world marketplace. The non-profit organization must have high productivity in order to sustain its position as a useful service unit.

Need for industrial engineers makes this profession particularly attractive in the financial standpoint; IE beginning salaries rank in the top group of the high-paying engineering disciplines and fast advancement IE的 up the job ladder is not unusual.

In fact, because so many IE's are moving into top management 职位 due to their unique training, the outlook for continued rapid growth in industrial engineering 是优秀的.

IE's are Really "Engineers Plus"

Like other 工程领域s, including aeronautical, chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical, nuclear or petroleum, industrial engineering is concerned with solving problems through application of scientific and practical knowledge. But the IE differs from other engineers because he or she uses knowledge in a wider variety of applications.

The industrial engineering also applies problem-solving techniques in almost every kind of organization imaginable. 有IE in banks, hospitals, government at all levels, transportation, construction, processing, social service, electronics, facilities design, manufacturing and warehousing. Hundreds of thousands IE的 are engaged in these and other activities worldwide.

Where is the IE's Workplace?

Because industrial engineering serves a broad cross-section of business, industry and institutions, the IE's work environment varies from office to plant to field. Choices can be made even after the IE begins his or her working career. 一些其他的 vocations offer a graduating student such a wide selection of places to work or kind of work to perform.

As 一个即, for example, you might:

  • Get involved in long-range planning and facilities design for a major transportation 设施.
  • 成为一个 leader in the robotics 程序 at a major automotive manufacturer.
  • Help design and install operations systems for a semi-conductor 设施.
  • Create more productive work flow within a major hospital or other health institution.
  • Design a computer based management information system for any organization.

Industrial engineering is concerned with performance measures and standards, research of new products and product applications, ways to improve use of scarce resources and many other problem-solving adventures.

Are You 一个即 Candidate?

What kind of person becomes an industrial engineer? What interests do those who eventually become IE's usually have in their younger years? In most cases, there's early curiosity about how and why things work the way they do.

Would-be IE's will probably have a strong interest also in planning, organizing and doing worthwhile projects, such as science clubs, Junior Achievement and other groups.

Besides these traits, the 未来 IE should have a strong desire to serve human needs and should especially enjoy working with other people.

High school testing and counseling 程序s assist young students to better grasp their own desires, talents and skills in planning their careers, and through this method you may have already aimed toward a career in engineering. 让我们看看 scholastic requirements a prospective engineer should consider.

Math, 科学, English Important

First, as might be expected, mathematics plays a key role in engineering know-how. If you have completed or are working toward three years or math (to the calculus level), you have a good start toward qualifying for entry into a school of engineering.

Another interest area should be science. Either chemistry or physics or both is usually required by an engineering school. And to help you understand the human factors which need to be combined with physical things, biology and social studies are recommended. Any opportunities to work with others should also be sought if you want to become 一个即.

Finally, three years of English is virtually certain to be a requirement for entry into a college engineering 程序.

Now, what about overall grades? Because engineering disciplines are looking for leading students, you should at least be in the top half of your high school graduating class, and the better your grades the better the chance of acceptance in an engineering school.

Many Sources for Help

Where do you find out about engineering colleges which offer an industrial engineering 程序? What financial assistance may be available? Check with your teachers and counselors as a first source, but don't overlook your school or local library for reference books on various colleges and their 程序s.

If a school of engineering is nearby, your teachers can help you arrange a visit to talk with personnel there about your possible enrollment. If no school is close at hand, write or ph一个 schools or interest to you. Many have toll-free ph一个 numbers which usually are available at libraries.

Degree Requires Four Years

The bachelor of science in industrial engineering (BSIE) degree requires four years of study, and is offered by nearly 100 accredited universities 程序s in the United 美国和加拿大. You'll find that many colleges and universities offer work-study and co-op 程序s to assist qualified students who are short on funds.

If your resources are limited, you could choose to enroll in a community college for the first year or two, then transfer to an engineering campus. And should you find that professional engineering is not your choice for a career, you could receive a degree in technology, in which both two and four-year degrees are offered. 作为一名技术专家, you would be working with engineers in 一个 of several fields.

Listings of engineering colleges along with basic information is available from all 下列的:

Career Information

Institute of Industrial Engineers
25 Technology Park/Atlanta
Norcross, Georgia 30092

认证 Board for 工程 and Technology
345 East 47th Street
New York, New York 10017

Using Your IE Degree

Areas of employment after graduation, as discussed earlier, are almost unlimited. Although most industrial engineers start to work for manufacturing industries, more and more are attracted to other fields.

Most hospitals, for instance, have established IE departments, sometimes calling them management engineering departments but manning them with IE graduates.

Municipal, state, and federal government agencies are finding 职位 for industrial engineers to handle their productivity efforts.

Still More Opportunities Exist

Airlines, railroads, food services, educational and public service agencies, retail trade, professional and trade associations are all employing an increasing number IE的.

Other opportunities exist in management consulting, computer service centers and similar 组织. All will give you an excellent chance for personal career growth.

Production, personnel, management service, cost control, sales and other functional areas provide avenues of advancement in addition to IE departments. 有IE who've become presidents of large corporations; where you stop is up to you.

Institute Can Benefit You

When you enroll at a college or university teaching industrial engineering, you'll probably find there's a student chapter of the Institute of Industrial Engineers.

The Institute is comprised of thousands of students and practiti一个rs of industrial engineering, and as the professional society serves as a primary source of up-to-date information in this fast-changing field. The Institute is the IE's link to effective continuing education, because learning doesn't stop with a college degree.

Exchanging Ideas Major Benefit

By joining an IIE student chapter, you can benefit from idea and information exchange with other students seeking careers in industrial engineering. In this fellowship, you will also be paving your way toward involvement with a senior IIE chapter after 你毕业.

As a student member, you will become acquainted with the full range of valuable services offered by the Institute and you will receive Industrial 工程, the monthly IIE magazine which keeps you abreast of happenings throughout the entire industrial 工程领域.

Productivity-What It's All 关于

No challenge to a young women or man can be greater than improving productivity - the applications of knowledge and skills to provide improved goods and services to enhance the quality of life, both on and off the job.

This must be d一个 without waste of physical and human resources while maintaining the environmental balance. To continue to satisfy the needs and desires of mankind, the rate of productivity improvement must be greater than the increases of cost. 失败 to accomplish this in recent years has contributed to inflation, recession and worldwide 动荡.

IE's are Productivity Catalysts

Industrial engineers are the "productivity people" who must provide leadership and integrate technology. they include the human factor in finding workable, effective solutions to production problems while retaining high standards of quality.

Want to join the engineering profession which is "people oriented"? 那么无论如何, 成为IE!

* Taken from the brochure Planning Your Career as 一个即/The People-Oriented 工程 Profession brochure produced by Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Careers 在工业 and Systems 工程

In this section, you can find out what a career 在工业 and Systems 工程 就像. Click on the links below to find out more about ISE careers.



Industrial engineering 是关于选择的. Other engineering disciplines apply skills to very specific areas. IE gives practiti一个rs the opportunity to work in a variety of businesses.

Many practiti一个rs say that an industrial engineering education offers the best of 两个世界: an education in both engineering and business.

The most distinctive aspect of industrial engineering is the 灵活性 它提供了. Whether it’s shortening a roller-coaster line, streamlining an operating room, distributing products worldwide, or manufacturing superior automobiles, all these challenges share the common goal of saving companies m一个y and increasing efficiencies.

As companies adopt management philosophies of continuous productivity and quality improvement to survive in the increasingly competitive world market, the need for industrial engineers is growing. 为什么? Industrial engineers are the only engineering professionals trained specifically to be productivity and quality improvement specialists.

Industrial engineers figure out how to do things better. 他们 engineer processes and systems that improve quality and productivity. 他们 work to eliminate waste of time, m一个y, materials, energy, and other commodities. This is why many industrial engineers end up being promoted into management 职位.

Many people are misled by the term industrial engineer. It’s not just about manufacturing. It also encompasses service industries, with many IEs employed in entertainment industries, shipping and logistics businesses, and health care 组织.

The benefits of industrial engineering are widespread:

  • More efficient and more profitable business practices
  • Better customer service and product quality
  • Improved efficiency
  • Increased ability to do more with less
  • Making work safer, faster, easier, and more rewarding
  • Helping companies produce more products quickly
  • Making the world safer through better designed products
  • Reducing costs associated with new technologies

Additionally, you might want to see what careers are possible with a graduate degree 在工业 & Systems 工程. 

Links about ISE careers

MS 工程 Management Careers

An engineering management degree holder may be employed in almost any type of organization.

Most engineering managers work first as engineers before advancing into management 职位.

Top 5 Industries Employing the Highest Number of 工程 Managers:

  • Architecture, 工程, and Related Services
  • Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing
  • Scientific 研究和 Development Services
  • Electronic Comp一个nt Manufacturing
  • Management of Companies and Enterprises

Principal Duties Include:

  • Project management
  • 研究和 product development
  • Act as overseers who formulate plans to see that projects are successfully completed
  • Manage employees from various engineering disciplines as well as cross-disciplinary 全球团队
  • Ensure that the final product is budgeted accurately and supported by upper management